PC Gamer (Italian) 24
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INI File
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Millennium/Mystique Display Driver for Windows NT 4.0
Table of Contents
- Release description
- Product files
- Installation
- Using MGA PowerDesk
- Registry settings
- Hardware-accelerated 3D
- Notes, Problems, and Limitations
Note: This file may contain some last minute information not translated
into your language. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Release description
This is the Matrox Millennium/Mystique Windows NT Display Driver.
It supports Microsoft Windows NT for x86 CPU's, version 4.0
(Build 1381).
This product includes:
- Display Driver
- MGA PowerDesk for Windows NT 4.0
The driver supports 2, 4, and 8Mbytes Matrox Millennium and Matrox Mystique
cards, as well as all Matrox Millennium II cards. Up to four cards are
Product files
\MGA64.INF Driver installation file for Windows NT Setup
\MGA64.SYS Matrox Millennium/Mystique miniport driver
\MGA64.DLL Matrox Millennium/Mystique display driver
\PD_CTRL.MVA Registry services applications
\PD_DNAV.MVA MGA Desktop Navigator application
\PD_MON.MVA MGA Monitor property sheet
\PD_MONF.MVA MGA monitor file and database
\PD_QDSK.MVA MGA QuickDesk application
\PD_SET.MVA MGA Settings property sheet
\???_MON.MVA Resource file for MGA Monitor
\???_CTRL.MVA Resource file for Registry services applications
\???_DNAV.MVA Resource file for MGA Desktop Navigator application
\???_QDSK.MVA Resource file for MGA QuickDesk application
\???_SET.MVA Resource file for MGA Settings property sheet
\???_DOC.MVA Documentation and readme files
\SETUP.EXE Installation application for driver and MGA PowerDesk
\INST_???.DLL Resource file for SETUP.EXE
\SETUP.INI INI file for Installation application
\MGA.INI INI file for PowerDesk
where '???' stands for supported language identificators (e.g., ENG).
Refer to your Owner's Manual to install your card in your system.
If you are installing multiple Matrox Millennium cards in your system,
please note that only one should be VGA-enabled through the on-board switch.
Matrox Mystique and Millennium II cards are always VGA-enabled. If you are
installing multiple Matrox Mystique or Millennium II cards in your system,
your system BIOS must disable all VGA-enabled cards it finds after the first
one. When Windows NT starts, the miniport driver will find all cards and
Multiple-card installations are similar to single-card installations.
The system will automatically assign separate addresses to each PCI card,
allowing the driver to issue commands to each card. In a multiple-card
configuration, all cards must be either Millennium, Mystique, or
Millennium II cards, and all cards must run with the same resolution and
pixel depth (number of colors). The VGA-enabled card will drive the top
left monitor.
To install the Matrox Millennium/Mystique driver, run the Setup utility
supplied with the driver:
- Start the Windows NT Explorer, or open a Command Prompt window.
- Go to the drive and directory holding the driver installation files.
- Double-click on the Setup application, or type 'setup' and press
The Setup utility will query you about your preferred installation location
and the components you wish to install. You must restart your computer
before the changes take effect.
You can also use the standard Windows NT procedure to install the drivers
(without the MGA PowerDesk). The general procedure is the following:
- Right-click on the desktop, select 'Properties'. This will open
Display Properties.
- Select the 'Settings' tab.
- Press the 'Display Type...' button.
- In the Display Type dialog box, press the 'Change...' button.
- In the Change Display dialog box, press the 'Have Disk...' button.
- In the Install From Disk dialog box, type the location of the
Matrox Millennium/Mystique installation files (e.g. "A:\" or
- From the displayed list, select the model of your display adapter,
and press 'OK'.
- Answer 'Yes' to the Third-party Drivers dialog box.
- Press 'OK' in the Installing Driver message box.
- Press 'Close' in the Display Type dialog box.
- Press 'Close' in the Display Properties applet.
- In the System Settings Change dialog box, you should select 'Yes'
so that the new settings take effect.
Using MGA PowerDesk
Changing resolution, selecting a monitor, and using the MGA PowerDesk is
covered in the "online.doc" file. You can view this file with WordPad.
Registry settings (for advanced users only)
Information held in the Windows NT registry can have a direct effect on the
whole system. Introducing incorrect values can cause serious problems and
may make it necessary to reinstall Windows NT. The changes outlined below
should have effects limited to the Matrox Millennium/Mystique drivers.
However, if you accidentally modify values that make your system unusable,
please note that it is often possible to undo the damage by using the
'Last Known Good Configuration' option at boot time. It is also possible
to save a copy of your registry settings prior to any modification.
The configuration of the MGA Windows NT driver and of MGA PowerDesk is saved
in the registry. The most important parameters can be modified through the
MGA PowerDesk, but others can be accessed only through the Registry Editor.
Most users will find that the default values are best for their system.
However, specific problems will be solved through these switches. The
values are:
User.AlternateLines when set to 1, allows lines defined by integer coordinates
to be drawn using the faster AUTOLINE opcode of the
drawing engine. The convention used to determine which
pixels contribute to a given line is slightly different
in AUTOLINE and in Windows NT. Setting AlternateLines
to 1 trades off compliance with the Windows NT conventions
for performance. A value of 0 will enforce compliance.
Lines defined by non-integer endpoint coordinates are not
affected by this setting.
The default value of User.AlternateLines is 0.
User.CenterDialogs has no effect on Windows NT 4.0.
The default value of User.CenterDialogs is 0.
User.ComplexBlt when set to 1, allows the hardware to accelerate some
complex raster operations (ROPs) by executing a sequence
of simple ROPs (ORing, ANDing, etc...). A value of 0
will result in complex ROPs being performed in software.
The complex ROPs are performed directly on the display
through a succession of simple ROPs. Artifacts (flashing)
in the target display area may become visible when an
intermediate result in video RAM is displayed on a given
refresh cycle, to be replaced by the final image on the
next cycle.
The default value of User.ComplexBlt is 1.
User.DeviceBitmaps when set to 1, allows use of off-screen memory for
caching bitmaps. This will allow the hardware to
accelerate drawing to bitmaps. A value of 0 disables
bitmap caching, allowing the CPU to draw onto all
bitmaps. Bitmap caching is internally disabled when
a desktop requiring more than one card is in use,
regardless of the registry setting.
The default value of User.DeviceBitmaps is 1.
User.EnableUSWC when set to 1, allows direct frame buffer access to use
the Write Combining feature of the Pentium Pro processor.
Setting this value to 0 may result in slightly lower
The default value of User.EnableUSWC is 1.
User.MgaInfoFile when set to 1, allows use of the MGA PowerDesk to
control refresh rates. A value of 0 will allow all
available refresh rates to be listed.
The default value of User.MgaInfoFile is 1.
User.SynchronizeDac when set to 1, will require the driver to wait for a
vertical sync before programming the ramdac with a new
pointer shape or a new palette. If you notice stray
pixels flashing around the pointer, setting this flag
to 1 might fix the problem. Setting it to 0 will result
in slightly better performance.
The default value of User.SynchronizeDac is 0.
User.SynchronizeEngine when set to 1, will require the driver to wait for
the Millennium hardware to be ready to accept new data
before programming the next operation. Setting it to 0
will result in better performance.
On most x86-based systems, the PCI logic should ensure
that such a check is redundant. If you're experiencing
problems that might be related to timing (with
communication programs, for instance), setting this value
to 1 may be of help.
The default value of User.SynchronizeEngine is 0.
Modifying keys and values in the registry is done through the Registry
Editor. The Registry Editor can be invoked in the following way:
- Use Start/Run..., or open a Command Prompt window, and type
'regedt32'. Alternately, from the Windows NT Explorer, go to
SystemRoot\system32 and double-click on Regedt32. The Registry
Editor will come up.
To examine or to modify the values that govern the behavior of the Matrox
Millennium/Mystique driver:
- Select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window.
- Travel down to the key named:
You will find the values in the right window pane. To modify any of
- Double-click on the selected value.
- In the DWORD Editor, change the value to '0' or '1'. The new value
will take effect the next time you reboot.
PowerDesk settings are kept under the key:
and its subkeys.
Hardware-accelerated 3D
The Mini-Client Driver (MCD), which is part of the Millennium/Mystique
display driver, allows for hardware-accelerated 3D, with a few restrictions:
- Currently no acceleration is available when multiple cards are
in use.
- The MCD does not support 8bpp (256 colors) and 24bpp (16777216
colors) modes. The 15bpp (32K colors), 16bpp (64K colors), and
32bpp (True Color) modes are the ones that can be hardware-
- Limitations to the available resolutions are to be expected. All
3D modes require extra memory to handle double buffering and/or Z
buffering, and this memory is no longer available for display.
The 3D driver can be configured through MGA PowerDesk or through two
registry switches:
User3D.DoubleBuffer when set to 1, allows a back buffer to be allocated
from the Matrox Millennium or Mystique memory. It
should be set to 0 if no back buffer is required.
This value should be set to 1 if 3D animation is to
be fully accelerated.
User3D.ZBuffer when set to 1, allows a Z buffer to be allocated from
the Matrox Millennium or Mystique memory. It should
be set to 0 if no Z buffer is required.
This value should be set to 1 if 3D rendering is to
be fully accelerated.
User3D.TextureMapping when set to 1, allows the hardware to accelerate
texture mapping. It should be set to 0 if texture
mapping is to be done through software.
The default value for the User3D switches is 1. Setting all values to 0
effectively disables the hardware-accelerated 3D. The recommended way of
modifying them is through the Performance tab of MGA PowerDesk rather than
through the Registry Editor.
The back- and Z-buffers can be allocated on a per-window basis. This makes
the availability of 3D-acceleration difficult to ascertain, since it would
be possible to get 3D-acceleration for a small window even when offscreen
memory is scarce, while a request for full-screen buffers would fail even
when relatively large areas of offscreen memory are available.
Notes, Problems, and Limitations
Systems using more than one PCI bus
It is possible that a switch to a full-screen Command Prompt, or any
change of mode, will result in a blue-screen crash if a card is
installed on a PCI bus other than bus 0. The problem is under
investigation. Moving the card to a different PCI slot is a possible
There are systems where Windows NT reports conflicts between adapters
installed beyond the PCI bridge. In this case, the Matrox
Millennium/Mystique miniport driver cannot access its own card.
If your system appears unable to find the card, try moving it to a
different PCI slot.
The Service Pack 3 should address many of these problems.
DirectDraw on multiple cards
DirectDraw cannot currently handle direct access to a desktop spread
over multiple cards. Applications that require DirectDraw will not
run on such a desktop.
DirectDraw on virtual desktops
Some DirectDraw applications cannot currently handle virtual
desktops. It is recommanded that DirectDraw applications be
run from normal desktops.
ActiveMovie in full screen
Running clips in full screen at 256 colors with ActiveMovie may
result in a corrupted display while the clip is being played.
The problem appears to come from the application.
Corruption using the 3D-Maze screen saver
This problem appears only after installing the Service Pack 2 for
Windows NT 4.0. The problem is apparently fixed by the Service
Pack 3.
GLDemo textures
Textured objects in GLDemo will be Gouraud-shaded instead of
textured in 3D-accelerated modes on Millennium II. This problem
is apparently fixed by the Service Pack 3.
Zooming by 4 at 1152x864, 256 colors on Millennium
A hardware limitation results in a vertical band of pixels being
displayed at the right edge of the screen, beyond the 1152 limit.
Running Winstone 97
The CenterPOPUP feature should be disabled (which is the default
setting) when running the Winstone 97 benchmark. Some tests may
time-out when CenterPOPUP is enabled.
Multiple cards using VESA settings
The total number of resolutions available when multiple cards are
installed in a system can be much larger than the number allowed by
the internal list of modes used by Windows NT, which is approximately
280. This is particularly true when 'VESA settings' is selected in
the Monitor page, since there is a four-fold increase in the number
of resolutions available from every card. When a resolution is
missing from the list of modes, Windows NT considers it as not
To alleviate this problem, all 15bpp resolutions are removed from
the list when more than one card is installed and 'VESA settings'
is selected. It is however recommended that 'VESA settings' not
be used with more than one card, and that all resolution changes
be done through MGA Display Properties rather than through Display
Properties. This will ensure access to all resolutions supported
by the installed cards.
DDC refresh rates at higher resolutions and number of colors
DDC(PnP)-compliant monitors report their capabilities on a
resolution basis. That is, a monitor could report that it supports
the 1600 x 1200 resolution at 85Hz. It may happen that the card
can support this at 256 and 64k colors, but that bandwidth
limitations will allow only 75Hz at 16M colors. In this case, the
lower refresh rate will be flagged as 'VESA' in the Color Palette
box. It is possible that the image on your monitor will have to be
re-sized and/or re-positioned.